Friday 17 August 2018


When I began to write this post,

I wanted to begin with a definition or explanation of what identity means. 

Then I decided that we all know that identity means, Who you are?

That got me thinking... Do we really know who we are? 

If I asked you who you are, you would most probable respond with your Name, hesitate a few seconds, then start rambling of some attributes launched by descriptive Words.

a Year ago, I met a new friend, who came over for coffee and out of the blue, she asked:"Sune, who are you?"

To be honest the question rattled my cage and I got thinking about it.

First, I thought about my names and attributes as I mentioned a few lines back. e.g.(Sune, loves people, is a wife, warm person, strong etc.

I realised that all my self descriptions and attributes, others have voiced about me, could change, except for where I originated from.

I was born into a certain family. So, I would always be of that clan and bare their attributes. Yes, I could change my name if I chose.

But that would not change who I originated from.
So, I am a spirit being, created by God, in His image and because He made me, nothing can change  who I am in Him.

It's a mouth full I know! All I ask is that when you look at yourself in the mirror. Ask the question; Who made me? I promise you'll find who you are.

This song describes what I'm trying to say. Relax and listen to the words.  Then ask yourself this question: "Who am I?"Or rather, Who made me?"

Copy Write Lauren Daygle.


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